At the end of September, KNO partners traveled to Skopje, Macedonia to attend the ISPI EMEA regional performance conference. As a highlight of the conference, Dr. Fatmir Besimi, the current Minister of Defense of Macedonia, attended the conference to participate in a simulation.
Minister Besimi, Steven Kelly and Tanja Georgievska at conference |
The simulation targeted a live case from 2009 when Dr. Besimi was the Minister of Economy. At that time, KNO partner Steven J. Kelly lead a team of local consultants Tanja Georgievska and Ivana Strihic (from World Learning Macedonia) in a USAID funded assessment and technical assistance to the Minister’s cabinet that improved operational and communication results.
Partners Mari Novak and Anna Čermáková also presented (along with colleague Timm Esque from EMC) the method and successes of Performance Driven Project Management. Information on PDPM is linked here.