KNO Partner Steven J Kelly has been re-elected to the ISPI Board of Directors after a one year absence for the term 2011-2013. During the first year, Steven will be focused on working with the several awards committees in preparation for the 2012 cycle.
His focus as he described in his candidate statement:
Aligning Goals with Strategic Initiatives
ISPI is at a crossroads of opportunity and risk. Performance Improvement / Human Performance Technology (HPT) concepts have slowly been introduced outside of North America. In cultures with a strong sense of a “multiple bottom-line” this has often resulted in a resistance to performance improvement as another “buzzword” effort, without consideration of local knowledge and approaches.
We must continue to broaden the audience for our message, while maintaining our own professional improvement, and maintaining the rigor of our approach.
I will put my primary energies toward:
• Building increased Society revenue-generating activity through supporting member initiatives
• Maintaining strict fiscal discipline, insuring financial and operational stability
• Crafting more active responses to increasing market demands for HPT and ISPI member support in Asia, Europe, Latin America and Africa
• Promoting ISPI brand and visibility across all sectors
My focus will be on working cooperatively with the Board, Committee Structures and active Task Forces to further progress on ISPI’s strategic initiatives and associated objectives. These initiatives support ISPI’s global role as the leading force for organizational health and success through systemic change; building awareness, respect and proficiency of HPT practitioners; and maintaining sound operational and valued society governance.